Retention schedules within the University of Toronto’s Records Retention and Disposition Directory incorporate applicable legal and operational requirements for keeping, destroying and archiving university records and information with transparency, accountability, and efficiency.
These schedules within the directory are developed and maintained by UTARMS and made available to all University of Toronto staff, faculty and librarians to support proper maintenance and disposition of University Records across U of T.
The contents of the Directory are currently being revised - in the meantime, please contact us with records retention and disposition questions.
Records not found in the directory
If your office has records that have not been scheduled, please contact UTARMS before transferring or destroying the records so they can be appraised and scheduled based on their legal, fiscal, informational and historical value.
The Records Archivist determines, in consultation with the University Archivist and the office inquiring about the transfer, how long records must be kept. The Records Archivist will prepare a Statement of Appraisal specifying which records can be destroyed, which need to be retained for a longer period of time by the office and which can be transferred to the University Archives for permanent retention.
The Statement of Appraisal is then sent to the University office for approval by a senior administrator.
For assistance or confirmation locating the relevant rule for your record type, contact UTARMS.