How To Use Our Finding Aids

Our finding aids in Discover Archives use UTARMS' accessioning and numbering system to identify where specific records are within accessions and containers. This alpha-numeric system contains the following elements:

Graphic showing accession number (9 alpha-numeric characters), container number following a slash (3 numeric characters) and file number in brackets (two numeric characters)

A or B: The letter indicates whether the accession contains University administrative records (A) or the private records of an individual or group (B)

Accession: This is a 9-digit alpha-numeric code identifying a specific accrual of records, for example A2020-0001. Note: Multiple accessions can be acquired over time for a specific office or individual. The first four digits refer to the year the accession came to UTARMS. The dates of the records themselves are in the finding aid's Date(s) column.

Container: The number following the slash indicates the container number, for example /003

Records format: If there is a letter before or after the container number, this indicates different non-textual formats.

  • P indicates photograph, for example: /001P
  • M indicates film or video, for example: /001M
  • S indicates sound recording, for example: /001S
  • A indicates architectural drawing, for example: /001A
  • Art indicates artifact, for example: /001Art
  • df indicates digital folder, for example: _df001

File: The number contained within the brackets indicates the file number, for example (01)