Title of PIB: | Payroll/Compensation |
Location: | Human Resources |
Information Maintained: | Includes name, address, employee number, SIN, salary, benefits, fiscal YTD salary and benefits, amounts and types of income, deductions, effective dates, end dates. Canada Savings Bonds information. Forms, i.e. staff appointment, status change, benefit information, action, calculation, payment authorization, pension plan application for exemption, United Way employee contribution, OHIP, research grant payment, income tax, correspondence |
Uses: | To administer and verify salaries, deductions, lump sum payments, benefits, pension, other contributions and payments, applications for purchase of Canada Savings Bonds and income tax |
Users: | Human Resources |
Individuals in the PIB: | Employees |
Legal Authority: | University of Toronto Act, 1971 |
Retention and Disposal: | Permanent |